Sunday, August 26, 2018

Farm Share # 12 - August 23, 2018

Still not able to post pictures of the share.  We'll sort this out soon, I am sure!  In the meantime, here are some pictures of the new crops in this week's share:

Bulb fennel - This year's fennel is a lot more bulbous, a triumph!

Fresh soybeans or edaname.  Yum!

We have lots of tomatoes!  It feels great to have an abundance to share.
This week's share:

Fennel - 1 bulb
Leeks - 5
Sweetheart cabbage - 1 or 2 small
Squash - 2
Cucumbers - 2
Tomatoes - about 2 1/2 lb.
Hot peppers - 4
Sweet peppers - 1
Soybeans - 1 bundle
Greens - 1 bunch (kale or chard)
Choosing shelf - 1 choice (beans, squash, pickling cukes, tomatoes, hot peppers, broccolini, or beets)
Herbs - 1 bundle
PYO Garden

Mini Shares: two items of the farm members choice, as usual.

HERBS:  We've been struggling a bit this year to provide the shares with herbs.  We have plenty of unusual and interesting herbs but have not had enough parsley, cilantro, and dill.  Plus we wanted to try having cutting celery and chervil but they haven't grown very well so far.  More nice dill is on its way and hopefully there will a better supply of parsley as well.  Since every time we have trouble with something, the next year we do a great job of growing that item (primarily through attention and determination), my prediction is that in 2019 the farm will have lots and lots of parsley and cilantro all season long!  Just saying.

Farm Share # 11 - August 16, 2018

What's in your share:

Beans - 1 lb.
Squash - 2
Cucumbers - 2
Sweet onions - 4
Tomatoes - 1 bin (about 2 lb.)
Hot peppers - 4
Broccolini - 1 bundle (about 3/4 lb.)
Peaches - 4 (We're so happy when we have some to share!)
Greens - 1 bunch (your choice of kale, chard or collards)
Basil - 1 bag
Herbs - 1 bunch - Tulsi, banana mint, strawberry mint, parsley, lemon grass, spearmint or apple mint
PYO Garden

(Due to technical difficulties, we don't have a picture of the share to  post here.  Here's a picture of some peaches from another year.)

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Farm Share # 10 - August 9, 2018

Full Shares:

Squash - 2 or quart if small ones
Cucumbers - 2 or 4
Salad mix - 1/3# bag
Tomatoes - 2 large or 1 pint
Hot peppers - 4
Kohlrabi - 1
Beans - 1# bag
Escarole - 1 head
Bok choy - 1 head
Greens - choose 1 bunch of kale, chard or collards
Herbs - choose 1 bunch of tulsi basil, Thai basil, chocolate mint, apple mint, lemon grass, or parsley
Choosing shelf: 2 choices
PYO garden

Mini Shares:
Two items chosen by the farm member
PYO garden

No picture today, just fresh veggies!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Farm Share # 9, August 2, 2018

Today's Share: hot peppers, escarole, choice of kale or chard, summer squash, cucumbers, beans, basil, beets, carrots, green garlic, salad mix, herbs (garlic chives in this share), two choosing items (snow peas and broccolini in this sample), and one tomato
Plus we had some fun new items!


Green garlic -
garlic that has not been cured for storage and is extra juicy and fresh.

Heirloom squash from Argentina, Zappallo de Tronco

First tomatoes in the shares, Red Racer

Both this week and last week not all the escarole was taken.  I know it's a matter of personal taste but I'll try to post some recipes for using it.  Basically, escarole is in the chicory family, like dandelion or radicchio.  It can be cooked or used as a salad green.  For starters, check out our recipe blog post about salads without lettuce.  The recipe blog is a great spot to look for ideas for using your share since its focus is on the vegetables that we like to grow and eat here at Sweet Morning Farm.  Explore, expand, enjoy!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Farm Share # 8 - July 26, 2018

Full Shares:

Salad mix - 1 bag
Radishes - 1 bunch
Squash - 2
Beans - .5 lb.
Cucumbers - 2
Carrots - 1 bunch
Beets - 1 bunch
Broccolini - 1 bundle (.75 lb.)
Hot peppers - 1
Shiitakes - 2
Escarole - 1 head
Bok choy - 1
Greens - 1 bunch (choice of kale, chard, or collards)
Herbs - 1 bundle (choice of apple mint, cilantro, parsley, strawberry mint, or chocolate mint)
Choosing shelf - 1 choice (salad turnips, squash, snow peas, pickling cukes, sorrel, sweet peppers, or basil)

PYO garden: beans, tulsi basil, hot peppers, cherry tomatoes

Farm Share # 7 - July 19, 2018

Full Shares:

Squash - 2
Cucumbers - 2
Carrots - 1 bunch
Beets - 1 bunch
Scallions - 1 bundle
Radishes - 1 bunch
Beans - 1 bag
Hot peppers - 2
Herbs - 1 bundle
Kale - 1 bunch
Chard - 1 bunch

Mini Shares:

Two items, chosen by the farm member and including:
chard, squash, beets, kale, cucumbers, carrots, beans, and basil.

Farm Share # 6 - July 12, 2018

Today's farm share is brought to you by the efforts of these two fine hard working people who have taking care of everything at the farm for a few days - plants, chickens, pigs, cats, flowers, cooking, cleanup, watering, harvesting, prepping the shares, and more, all the while remaining cheerful and healthy.

Ruth and Robin
Full Shares:
Garlic Scapes - 1 bundle
Summer squash - 1 green and 1 yellow
Snow peas - 1 pint
Beans - 1 bag
Cucumbers - 1
Hot peppers - 1
Carrots - 15 small
Radishes - 1 bunch
Greens - 1 bunch, choice of kale, chard or collards
Herbs - 1 bundle
Choosing shelf - 2 items, choice of scallions, broccolini, salad turnips, carrots, cucumbers, squash, or red currants

Farm Share # 5 - July 5, 2018

Full Share:
Carrots - 1 bunch
Radishes - 1 bunch
Mesclun - 1 bag
Beets - 1 bunch
Scallions - 1 bunch
Beans - 1 pint
Squash - 1 or 4 small
Greens - 1 bunch, choice of chard, kale, or collards
Herbs - 1 bundle, choice of dill, basil, apple mint, peppermint, Tulsi basil, or chocolate mint
Choosing item - 1 choice (snow peas, cucumbers, basil, salad turnips, broccolini, or garlic scapes


Farm Share # 4 - June 28, 2018

The shares are gaining some variety.  Basil, beans, squash, and carrots today!  Snap peas in the PYO garden. 
It's a start of a bountiful harvest.





Salad turnips - Hakurei and Violet Queen

Full Share: Squash, hot peppers, beans, salad turnips, garlic scapes, salad mix, greens (choice of chard, kale, mustard, or collards), basil, herbs (choice of cilantro, dill, 3 kinds of mint), radishes, flowers, PYO snap peas

Mini Shares: Two choices plus flowers.  Farm members chose mesclun, carrots, chard, kale, and garlic scapes.

Farm Share # 3 - June 21, 2018

Spinach, mesclun, salad turnips (choice of radishes or turnips), arugula, chard (choice of chard, kale, collards, or mustard greens), apple mint (choice of cilantro, dill, catnip, or apple mint), flowers